Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Dottie Finnegan, secretary for U.S. attorney's Organized Crime Strike Force, retiring after 28 years of guarding secrets

CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Dottie Finnegan isn't a household name in Cleveland, but she knows the deepest secrets about the most high-profile crimes and investigations of the last three decades in Northeast Ohio.
The head secretary at the U.S. attorney's Organized Crime Strike Force is retiring after 28 years of coordinating paperwork for prosecutors and federal agents. The team started by targeting the Mafia and organized crime but in recent years has focused on political corruption.

Finnegan types the search warrants, subpoenas and indictments before agents serve them. Family and friends have tried to pry the details, but she has never shared the lowdown.

"I am so used to saying, 'I can neither confirm nor deny,' " she said, chuckling. "I am a vault. Leaks would be the worst thing."

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